Taking a booze break

Taking a booze break

The how and why of changing your relationship with alcohol. Even for an occasional drinker, there can be many reasons to consider taking a conscious break from alcohol.Recently people have shared with me; ‘ I started drinking more with my new partner’,...
Probiotics, Prebiotics and Postbiotics

Probiotics, Prebiotics and Postbiotics

How are they different and why are they useful? “Probiotics don’t work! I’ve tried them all.” I often hear this from frustrated clients who have spent months and maybe years trying to resolve their own digestive symptoms. Dodgy digestion affects over...
Beat Stress Before It Beats You

Beat Stress Before It Beats You

Is Stress Getting in the Way of Achieving Your Health Goals? Modern living and stress seem to go hand in hand and it may be no surprise to you that the effects of stress can have a significant impact on sleep, happiness, and mental wellbeing. Nevertheless, you may not...
Organic Food: More Nutritious or Less Toxic?

Organic Food: More Nutritious or Less Toxic?

Organic food has gained popularity in recent years, driven by the perception that it offers both superior nutrition and reduced exposure to toxic chemicals. But is there scientific evidence to support these claims? Let’s delve into the debate and see what the...